The role of grammar in the classroom
Traditional grammar instruction, as it was commonly
called, was criticized or its long-winded teacher explanations, it’s drills and
drudgery, and its boring and banal exercises. Traditional methods that related on
extensive drilling and merorization of grammar avoked a backlash in the 1970,
which resulted in new methods that included grammar instruction in favor of “natural”
communication in the classroom, new teaching methods appeared that replaced
grammar exercises with meaningful communicative environments.
language awareness techniques:
Language awareness have been found to be especially useful, user-friendly, and
affective. These techniques should be sequenced as follows:
The student
is exposed to oral or written structured input where the initial focus is on
the meaning of the text.
student notices the target structure and the context in which is occurs, this
can include observation of syntactic patterning, judgments and discriminations,
and the articulation of rules.
student checks that the rule holds against further data and, if not, revises
the rule.
student uses the structure in a short production task.
2) Error detection and
3) Restoring C-texts
4) Cloze procedure
5) Paraphase
6) Propositional
7)Sentence combining
8) Grammaring
9) Dictogloss
10) Language games.

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