Wednesday, September 12, 2012



The teaching-learning process has been described as a whole element which is close related to the components of Metacognition, these are metacognitive awareness, metacognitive regulation and metacognitive experiences. This means that metacognition includes knowledge about when and how to use particular strategies for learning or solving problems. Therefore, to plan every class is essential and very necessary for teachers and learners. The Lesson Plan is the tool the teacher focuses his/her knowledge to be given to the students. The content is organized to save time and optimize the teaching process according to the sources and the students’ interest.

The lesson plan is created for the student of Second grade of Secondary school. Students will be able to achieve objectives proposed in this project, because all the activities are adapted and designed according to their reality. The textbook that the teacher uses for this level is a little bit difficult for them, so it is crucial to adapt and omit constantly activities which most of them are in an upper level. We considered that students can be engaged by showing some videos according to the grammatical content that they have to learn as an interesting way of learning.

As future teachers, we must model the class in order to monitor the students what they are learning. We could use some tricks to help students learn when teaching lessons. These tools might be games, songs, online pages, videos, several worksheets, crossword puzzles, etc. This will help them remember during more time when information is connected to something else.

Methodology’s classes have been very useful to achieve this difficult task. Through this subject we can analyze the textbooks and decide on the activities that are suitable for students. Moreover, we can apply some criteria in order to recognize when omitting, adapting, replacing and adding.

To conclude, we are concerned how important is to have clear the concept of metacognition to our careers, because this concept is immersed in the teaching-learning process. With Metacognition the students learn through self regulation to know what way is the best to study for them. Therefore, they know what kind of intelligence accommodates to them. These intelligences or learning styles are: visual, auditory and kinesthetic. To teach in public schools is not as easy as someone could think. This is a real challenge for us, and we will do our best to achieve this.





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